Sleep Eye Mask

For a majority of people, we spend a third of our lives sleeping. Our bodies need sleep to be able to function efficiently. And for the most part it is a relatively simple process, climb into bed and get comfortable, close your eyes and drift off into the Land of Nod! A good night’s sleep does more than relieve tiredness, it helps to reduce stress, helps recharge the body, improves your mood and helps build a stronger immune system to starve off illness and diseases. If we don’t get enough sleep, a lot of us are irritable and moody, fatigued and our thought processes are slowed. It is recommend that adults should try to get 7 to 9 hours sleep daily. But sometimes that can be hard to achieve, especially when stressed or work shift patterns. When I go to bed I want total darkness, and have blackout curtains at the windows. As I like complete darkness, I thought that I would give the Mavogel Cotton Sleep Eye Mask a try as it claims to block out all light.

I am not really one for sleep masks. I have tried them before and whilst they do block out most light, I found that they are not 100% effective, they do tend to let in a bit of light around the nose area. The Mavogel Cotton Sleep Eye Mask looks the same as most other eye masks I have seen and used. It even has the extra piece of fabric for the nose. But it is different to others as the nose piece has a bendable cartilage design which is adjustable and effectively blocks light coming from the nose area. But does it do what it claims to do? Read on to find out.

In the box:

  • Mavogel Cotton Sleep Eye Mask
  • Travel Pouch

A sleep eye mask is generally a piece of fabric that covers the eyes to help block out as much light as possible. The Mavogel Cotton Sleep Eye Mask is like having soft and comfortable blackout curtains for your eyes. This sleep mask features 5 layers of super soft breathable fabric, including cotton, elastic sponge and modaier with an adjustable head strap and nose piece.

As the mornings are starting to get lighter earlier, any light may interrupt your sleep. And unless you have a habit of getting up at silly-o’clock like me (I’m up by 5am every day; I don’t need to be, it’s just a habit I can’t seem to break), then you want as much interrupted sleep as possible. The Mavogel Cotton Sleep Eye Mask will help deliver that, as yes, it really does block out all available light.

My biggest concerns about wearing a sleep eye mask are:

  • How comfortable will it be to wear? It’s extremely comfortable. Not only is it super soft, it feels slightly padded and the eye cover is a good thickness. The mask has excellent coverage over the eyes, has wings at the sides to block any side light and also prevents the straps pushing against your temples, the nose piece is nice and soft. The elasticated strap is easily adjustable. I found that the comfort was excellent, I didn’t feel any pressure on my eyes (I could still comfortably open my eyes under the mask – although obviously I couldn’t see a thing), the side wings prevented any pressure on my temples and the strap, whilst initially you are aware it’s there, is thin and comfortable. The nose piece has a wire cartilage that you can pinch and bend to fit your nose and I didn’t really feel it was there.
  • Will it be effective and block out all light? The simple answer is a big YES. I found that once the wire for the nose is adjusted to fit your nose, they was no light leakage and I was in total darkness – even during the day with the curtains open! The mask does an excellent job of blocking out any light.
Sleep Eye Mask

Overall, I have been very impressed with the Mavogel Cotton Sleep Eye Mask. It is super soft and extremely comfortable to wear and sleep in. It covers the eyes perfectly and the wings and durable wired nose guard stops any light leakage from all sides.

This is a perfect sleep eye mask for anybody that requires total darkness at night, people who work shifts and need to sleep during the day or for taking a quick nap as a passenger on train, plane and car journeys. And, for me, I have another use. I suffer from migraine headaches and at their worst I need to go to bed in darkness and this eye mask will help me achieve that wherever I am, whatever time of day or night.

The Mavogel Cotton Sleep Eye Mask also comes with a very handy little travel pouch so that you can take it everywhere with you. The eye mask can be folded and placed within the pouch, protecting it from dirt and damage.

Available in black or grey, with a retail price of £6.99, it is an absolute bargain.

I can highly recommend the Mavogel Cotton Sleep Eye Mask. Whether it is used every night, occasionally or just when you have a migraine, it is something that should be in every bedside drawer. An excellent sleep aid (and much cheaper than having to buy blackout curtains).

Rating: 5/5

RRP: £6.99

Available to buy from Amazon here.

DISCLOSURE: I received this product for free for the purpose of writing an honest and impartial review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. This review uses an Amazon affiliate link which I may receive a small commission from if you purchase through the link (it helps with running costs of the website).

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