The kitchen is a room that most of us spend a lot of time in, so we equip it with lots of little tools and gadgets to make kitchen tasks a lot easier. One of my most favourite kitchen gadgets is something that is not high tech, has no electronics, and to be honest, isn’t all that exciting, but it is something that has lasted me years where as others I have tried just break – I am talking about a humble can opener. To be more precise, the OXO Good Grips Soft-Handled Can Opener. So, with that in mind, I am now trying out the OXO Good Grips Twisting Jar Opener with Basepad as if the quality is on par with the can opener it should be excellent.
OXO Good Grips are well-known for their ergonomic designs and comfortable non-slip handles that make their kitchen tools safe and easy to use. The OXO Good Grips Twisting Jar Opener with Basepad is another kitchen tool that is not electronic or high tech, but something rather simple that lives up to its billing. It is a handheld device for opening small bottles and lids on jars with ease.
Before you start questioning why anyone needs a tool to open a jar, some jar lids are on extremely tight and can be very hard to open. Unless you have a partner who only needs a second to twist it off, after you’ve done all the hard work and loosened it of course, running the lid under a hot tap or banging it on the countertop doesn’t always work. And then there are people suffering with arthritis or just not as strong as they used to be for various reasons who need that extra helping aid. Why struggle when there are simple aids to help?
If you are tired of struggling with stubborn jar lids that just won’t budge, the OXO Good Grips Twisting Jar Opener with Basepad is the solution that you’ve been searching for. This cleverly designed kitchen gadget comes with two pieces; the jar opener and a silicone basepad.
Let’s set the scene. You’ve just got home from a long hard day at work and want something quick and easy for you dinner. You decide pasta would be ideal. You’ve boiled the pasta and are ready to add your sauce, except the lid on the jar of pasta sauce just won’t budge. You’ve banged the lid gently on the countertop, ran it under the hot tap, even wrapped the tea towel around it for better grip. You don’t want to go asking a neighbour to open a jar for you. Then you remember that you have the OXO jar opener in the drawer and within seconds that stubborn jar is open, unable to get the best of you.
The OXO Twisting Jar Opener is a very handy unassuming kitchen tool, and so easy to use. I already mentioned that it comes in two pieces. Well, the silicone basepad is attached to the jar opener and just pulls off. What is this for I hear you ask. Well, you place the basepad on the countertop, place your jar on top of it and that jar with its immovable lid is now sitting on a nice non-slip and stable surface. As for the jar opener, well its non-slip handle twists to open the mechanism to accommodate different size lids. The mechanism has teeth on both sides that tightly grip onto the lid. With the jar sitting on its new non-slip surface and the jaws clamped on to the lid, as Chubby Checker said, “let’s do the twist”. A quick twist opens the jar with minimal effort, leaving you singing along with Chubby and maybe doing your own little twist around the kitchen. Opening jars has never been so much fun (unless you don’t know the song or refuse to sing it).

Overall, the OXO Good Grips Twisting Jar Opener with Basepad is an extremely handy little tool that should be in every kitchen drawer (right there next to its friend the can opener). It looks good, feels excellent quality and, more importantly, it actually works with ease.
It has a sleek minimalist design and is very user-friendly. The ergonomics of this device, ensures that it fits comfortably in your hand while providing enough leverage to tackle even the most stubborn of lids.
The basepad is an excellent touch. It gives that much need stability so that the jar doesn’t go spinning off the countertop when doing the twist. And it clips back on to the jar opener when finished.
A very easy to use gadget that makes light work of those jars and bottles with lids that refuse to budge, even for arthritis suffers. An impressive quick and convenient gadget that will impress anyone that uses it.
If you’re looking to add a reliable, easy to use and efficient jar opener to your kitchen gadget arsenal, one that really does make using it worthwhile and fuss-free, then the OXO Good Grips Twisting Jar Opener with Basepad is definitely worth considering. I would whole-heartedly recommend it. It’s a small investment for a big return in functionality and ease.
Rating: 5/5
RRP: £16
For more information, visit Available to buy from Amazon here.